Thursday, April 4, 2019

My online presence

Image result for online presence
Besides my social media, my digital footprint doesn't lead that far. I can be found by my track records  (which are kept online) and that's about it. Besides Facebook, most of my social media accounts are in different names, the only one that I would say is completely anonymous is my Youtube account (and even that has my initials in the title). I pretend as if it would be difficult for people to realize that it's me but all of the accounts are linked to my gmail so it would be easy for any big name company to track down all of the sites that i'm linked to if they had to. The stuff i post on social media is mainly fashion based, i never really post myself at a party (unless i'm wearing an outfit I like) and I definitely never post myself drinking or doing any other things. My parents told me when I was 16 "If you wouldn't show a post that you posted to your grandma, then don't post it." And i've carried that with me ever since. Most young adults know the do's and don'ts of social media/the internet and don't do stupid stuff like hand out their password, post inappropriate pictures or click on sketchy ads that lead to viruses. I wouldn't be surprised that in elementary school, they're educating kids on the dangers of the internet and how to handle themselves when they get on it.

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