Friday, May 3, 2019

Newer Innovations- Twitter (Week 11)

Before I begin talking about twitter, I was doing research on newer innovation and I found out that myspace has transitioned away from being a conventional social media site. Nowadays, they serve to be more of a news site than anything else. I just found it interesting that since they were completely overtaken by Facebook and twitter, they ventured on a new path. Sadly their popularity hasn't grown much since 2005. Twitter began in 2006 and it was one of the first social media platforms to promote what they did in such a simple way. People were drawn to the idea of simply posting your thoughts in a public sphere but twitter was one of sites that created the digital sphere. A digital sphere is the same as the public sphere but it's a platform where everyone has an equal opportunity to spread their opinions and thought to the general public. Positives of this are people going viral and achieving fame through social media profiles while negatives include people saying the wrong thing on these platforms and ruining their career. There have been people posting racist comments or been caught being racist on camera that have lost their jobs. Your online profile is a blessing and a curse and it'll be with you for the rest of your life in this digital age.
Image result for twitter logo fanart

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