Thursday, February 28, 2019

History of the Supreme Court

In this video, we learned about the complexity of the supreme court from the inside. The 9 members of the supreme court brought their take on their experiences and how they feel about the supreme court. One of the members said that: "Being appointed to the supreme court is a kin to being struck by lightning." I can only imagine the intensity and pressure that must come when you're appointed to handle the country's hardest problems. To do a job like this correctly and efficient, you have to be calm but being calm in an environment like this takes time. Another member said "You don't really do your work until you realize you're not there". He said that it takes 3-5 years in order to feel 100% comfortable in this setting which seems extensive for me. But for them, 3-5 years is nothing when you'll be working there for the rest of your life. I'm still barley comfortable with running track here and i've been here for 3 years now. I also found it interesting when another member said that she didn't eat lunch on the day of her first case because of the servers of speaking to such a high level crowd but when she got up there she felt a sense of power and all of the nerves went away. I can only imagine the shift of feelings of having all this power and confidence from you r position while still getting the nerves of how much your decision can effect  the country (especially when all the supreme court's power comes from public faith).

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