Wednesday, March 6, 2019

18-Year-Old Testifies About Getting Vaccinated Despite Mother's Anti-Vaccine Beliefs

An 18-year-old made national news when he got himself vaccinated outside of his mother’s jurisdiction. Reportedly his mother, kept him away from vaccines his whole life in belief that they would give him autism or some type of disability. This period of “Anti-Vax” mothers has honestly been going on for a while but recently it’s been getting a lot of backlash in social media. People have posted memes and other jokes teasing the Anti-Vax mothers for being foolish and out of touch with society. They make jokes like “Your child won’t get autism if he/she dies from polio instead.” These jokes have been a huge general topic on sites like reedit where the audience ranges around 8 to 17 year olds, so I’m not shocked when a newly turned 18-year-old wants a vaccine shot as his birthday present. This just shows you how much influence the media has on their youth today. But it turns out that the son just happened to be right in this situation; though he was probably influenced from the idea of getting a vaccination from memes and other social media, he later did his research and learned about vaccines from the CDC, the World Health Organizations and other trusted sources while the mother got her superstitions from a Facebook post. This just goes to show you that you shouldn’t let things you see on the internet take control of your whole life.

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